Street Location of Lifeguard Stands/Beach Information
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CLICK HERE to view the Sea Isle City Resolution which establishes the 2025 dates when lifeguards will and will not be in attendance at the below bathing beaches.


Beach Warning Flag Color Legend:


GREEN - low hazard (calm conditions, exercise caution), YELLOW - medium hazard (moderate surf and/or currents), RED - high hazard or water closed to public (high surf and/or strong currents), PURPLE - dangerous marine life


Street Locations of Bathing Beaches:

CLICK HERE to view a beach front diagram of all lifeguard stands, bathroom locations, surfing beaches, raft beaches, and much more.


3#, 6#, 9#, 13*, 18*, 24, 28, 32, 34, 38, 40, 42*, 43, 45.5, 49, 51, 54, 56, 59, 61, 64.5, 68.5, 71.5, 75, 77, 81, 84, 86.5, 89, 92    * dependent upon lifeguard availability,  Lifeguard stand operational Friday, Saturday, and Sunday


Street Locations of Rafting Beaches:


3#, 6#, 9#, 13*, 18*, 24, 28, 34, 40, 43, 45.5, 51, 56, 59, 64.5, 68.5, 75, 81, 86.5, 92    * dependent upon lifeguard availability,  Lifeguard stand operational Friday, Saturday, and Sunday


Street Locations of Handicapped Beach Entrances:


32, 40, JFK, 44, 63, 85


Street Locations of Surfing Beaches / Stand Up Paddle Boards:


26, 37, 48, 53, 63, 74, 82


Street Locations of Kayaking Beaches / Stand Up Paddle Boards:


30, 35, 58, 79


Street Locations of Volleyball Beaches:


25, 30, 35, 53, 57, 67, 72, 88


Street Locations of Beach Front Public Restrooms:


32, 40, 44, 85


Sailboat Launching Beaches:


Between 20th and 22nd Streets


Kite Board Launching Beaches: 


Between 14th and 16th Streets




Dogs are not permitted on the beaches, beach approaches, or Promenade between May 1 and September 30.  When dogs are permitted on the beaches they must be licensed, leashed (not longer then six feet), and feces must be removed.


Surf Fishing Beaches:

Beaches between 1 and 24 Streets not designated as a sailboat launching, Kite boarding, bathing, or rafting beach.

Any beach area adjacent to rock jetties not designated as a surfing or kayaking beach.  To clarify, surf fishing is permitted adjacent to jetties located at the following street locations (note: n = north side of jetty, s = south side of jetty): 31 s, 33 n/s, JFK n/s, 44 n/s, 47 n, 52 n, 57 n, 62 n, 67 n/s, 73 n, 78 n, 83 s, 88 n/s, 93 n/s.

Beaches south of 93 Street.

Kayaking Regulations


  1. A life jacket must be worn at all times. 
  2. Anyone under the age of fourteen must be accompanied by an adult in a two seat kayak. 
  3. Kayaks must stay 50 feet away from swimmers and rock jetties. 
  4. Only one person is permitted per single seat kayak. 
  5. No more than two people are permitted per double seat kayak. 
  6. Entering or exiting the water and riding waves can only be done on designated kayaking beaches. 
  7. Jumping off a kayak beyond the breaking waves is prohibited. 
  8. Stay within 1/4 mile of the shoreline. 
  9. Respect and consider the safety of other kayakers when riding waves.

Miscellaneous Regulations

  • In order to operate a sailboat on a Sea Isle City Beach, an owner is required to obtain a license from the records department at the police station.  The decal, issued during the licensing process, must be displayed on the right front hull of the vessel. 
  • Beach tags are required for all beaches.  Tags may be purchased at the Welcome Center, 300 JFK Boulevard, or from one of the beach badge inspectors on the beach.  Wednesday is "Free Beach Day"; consequently, beach tags are not required on Wednesdays. 
  • Lifeguards are on duty from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, and 10:00 am to 5:30 pm, Saturday and Sunday. 
  • Not all beaches have lifeguards present.  Use of beaches without guards in attendance is at one's own risk.  Swimming is only permitted on bathing beaches and only when lifeguards are in attendance.  
  • Flotation devices with a fin may not be used on a raft beach.  Flotation devices with a fin, such as belly and body boards, may be used on the surfing beaches provided a leash is used and flippers are worn by the operator. 
  • Two volleyball nets are the maximum permitted per volleyball beach.  Nets are not provided.