Captain Thomas P. McCann Mascot School

Registration for the 2025 Mascot School is now closed.

Mascot School for the summer of 2025 will be held on Wednesday, July 2 and Thursday, July 3.  The school's rain date is Friday, July 4.  Saturday, July 5 is the date for the Mascot Races with a rain date of Sunday, July 6.  Weather postponements will be announced by 9:45 AM on the home page of the beach patrol's website.  Times for the school and races, which take place at 44th Street on the beach, are from 10:30 AM until 12:15 PM.

Beach and water safety, races, games, and refreshments are all part of the Mascot School itinerary.  Official mascot shirts will be awarded only to children who participate all three days.

First through third place ribbons will be received by mascots who place in their age group for either the surf bash or foot race.  Race participation ribbons will be awarded to all mascots. The fun and excitement of race competition is the purpose of the Mascot Races; not the ribbons.  A hug by a parent or guardian for participation and effort is a far more meaningful reward.  We ask parents not to argue with the lifeguards regarding race results.

To help defray costs to the sponsors: Giovanni's Delicatessen, Drifters Feel Good Food, and the Sea Isle City Beach Patrol, it is necessary to charge a ten dollar registration fee for each child registered.  The fee is due when the registration form is submitted.  Do not register multiple children on one form.  The reason being, on the last day, the registration form will serve as a ticket to receive your child's mascot shirt. Although parents must complete ONE registration form for EACH child registered, the registration fees can be paid in ONE CHECK.  Checks should be made payable to Sea Isle City Beach Patrol.  No staples please!

Registration is limited to the first 200 four through eight year old boys and girls who are registered by a parent.

We encourage parents to stay with their children.  The reason being, when children need a towel, water to drink, or a break during the camp it is always easier to deal with these situations when parents are there to assist.  When needed there is no substitute for the comfort a parent can provide.

Registration forms can be downloaded by clicking here.   Mail (do not hand deliver) the registration form to Sea Isle City Beach Patrol, 233 JFK Boulevard, Sea Isle City, NJ 08243.  A  second option starting Saturday of Memorial Day Weekend is to deliver the registration form directly to Sea Isle City Beach Patrol Headquarters located at 44th Street and Promenade.  The second option is not recommended due to the fact that registration is usually closed by Memorial Day Weekend.  Headquarters is where mascots report each day for the program.